Consstr uction (cent'd\.
No .
(f) Lace bladder grommets and casing
grommets together with cord.
(g) Position automatic lamp unit and
battery into holder.
3.7.1 Cut edges. All the cut edges of the uncoated nylon tapes (including
the nylon fastener tapes), webbings, and cords shall be seared, prior to the
No sharp edges shall be
fabrication of the life preserver, to prevent fraying.
The thread shall be an aramid thread conforming to
3.7.2 Thread.
The color of the thread shall approximately match the color of the
basic fabric.
No stitching shall pass through any air
3.7.3 Seams and stitching.
retaining compartment. All machine stitching in the accessory parts shall be as
specified in Table II. All sewing shall conform to FED-STD-751 as specified in
Each row of stitching shall be straight and parallel to the seam edge.
Table II.
The straightness of the stitching in any row shall be maintained within a
The ends of the stitching shall be backstitched, by
tolerance of + 1/16 inch.
overlapping on itself, a minimum of 1/2 inch.
Thread breaks, skips, and run-offs
The thread tension shall be main-
shall be overstitched not less than 1 inch.
tained so that there shall not be any loose or tight stitching and the lock shall
No seam shall be twisted, puckered,
be embedded in the materials sewn together.
or pleated and no portion of the accessory parts shall be caught in an unrelated
operation or seam.
All the thread ends shall be trimmed to a length of 1/4 to 3/8
The seam edges shall be properly forced out and shall not contain any
The number of stitches per bartack shall be based pro-
3.7.4 Barracking.
portionally on 1/4 inch long bartack containing a minimum of 14 stitches.
length and location of each bartack shall be as specified in Table II.
3.7.5 Heat sealing. A radio frequency (RF) dielectric heat-sealing process
The distance from the cut edge
shall be used in the construction of the bladder.
of the bladder to the inner-most edge of sealed portion shall not exceed 3/4 inch.
The width of the heat seal itself shall not be less than 1/8 inch.
3.8 Identification Label.
Identification labels shall be provided for both
the vest and bladder.
The label shall conform to Type IV, Class 11 of DDD-L-20
and shall have the following inscription and size of characters:
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